Saturday, January 29, 2022

Speaking without knowledge:

Speaking without knowledge:

A descendent of the sahabi Abdullah bin Umar (RA) was asked about something that he did not have knowledge about, so Yahyā bin Sa’īd said to him:
‘By Allah, indeed it is a grave matter that the likes of you, a descendent of two Imāms of guidance – meaning Umar and Ibn Umar (RA)– is asked about a matter and you have no knowledge of it’. 
So he replied:
 ‘By Allah, more grave than that according to Allah, and to whoever reflects about Allah, is to speak without knowledge or to report on authority of one who is not trustworthy’.

-Sahih Muslim Hadith 34 of Muqaddimah.

Our Islamic activists and social media "Daees/scholars" should reflect on this before posting or commenting on every Islamic issue.