Thursday, January 24, 2019

No compromise in matters of Deen:

No compromise in matters of Deen:

"If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will make you lose the path of Allah. They follow nothing but whims, and they do nothing but make conjectures."
 -Qur'an 6:116

So Muslims need not worry too much about 'public opinion' as the kuffar will never like or approve of the Muslims following Shari'a.
They will continue to make demands from us to keep diluting our Deen till nothing is left of it!

"...The shaytans inspire their friends to dispute with you. If you obeyed them you would then be idolaters." 6:121

So these kuffar will keep disputing with us regarding the different aspects of Islam. And if we obey them we will loose our Emaan itself and become mushrik like them.

Allah clearly warns us the consequences of diluting our Deen to appease others:
 " And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper." 2:120.
Their religion may be Christianity or Judaism or secularism-athiesm or whatever! They will try their utmost to make us adopt it by force if necessary. The history of colonialism and the current era neo-colonial projects and the media war against Islam all testify to it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ottoman Muslim Women During the Advent of Western Feminism

Ottoman Women During the Advent of Western Feminism

by Zara Huda Faris

“As to women, as many, if not more than men, are to be seen in the streets [i.e. going about their daily activities, etc] […] I think I never saw a country where women may enjoy so much liberty, and free from all reproach, as in Turkey […] The Turks in their conduct towards our sex are an example to all other nations; […] and I repeat it, sir, I think no women have so much liberty, safe from apprehension, as the Turkish – and I think them in their manner of living, capable of being the happiest creatures breathing.”
– Lady Elizabeth Craven, A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople, 1789[i]

Lady Elizabeth Craven, 18th century travel writer, playwright and author, made these observations about the women of the Ottoman Caliphate (an Islamic state) in 1789, before the advent of feminism in Europe and three years before Mary Wollstonecraft would publish A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), the 300-page appeal that would become the foundation stone and herald of modern feminism.
The observations of Lady Elizabeth Craven and others, along with records of court proceedings, financial dealings and political documents, reveal that women of the Ottoman Caliphate actually experienced greater liberty and protection than their post-enlightenment Western counterparts, and notably without the need for feminism. 

Yet, today, feminists strive to convince Muslim women of the exact opposite: that Muslim women have always suffered because of Islam and, in a strange twist of thought, advocate feminism as the solution to the problems of the Muslim world.


[i] Elizabeth Craven (Baroness), A Journey Through the Crimea to Constantinople: In a Series of Letters from the Right Honourable Elizabeth Lady Craven to His Serene Highness The Margrave of Brandebourg, Anspach, and Bareith, London.

Extract from

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Health care during Mughal rule in India:

Health care during Mughal rule in India:

Public hospitals were established during Mughal period. Jahangir (son of Akbar) stated in his autobiography that on his accession to the throne, he ordered the establishment of hospitals in large cities at government expense [1].

Although the supply of local physicians was not plentiful, the local physicians were able to deal with normal problems. As early as 1616, they knew the important characteristics of the bubonic plague and suggested suitable preventive measures [2].

The use of medicines had been fairly well developed among the Hindus, but dissection was considered to be irreligious. The Muslims, who did not have this restriction, performed a number of operations.
As Elphinstone pointed out, “their surgery is as remarkable as their medicine, especially when we recollect their ignorance of anatomy. They cut for the kidney stone disease (Pathri), couched for the cataract, and extracted the foetus from the womb, and their early works enunciate no less than one hundred and twenty-seven surgical works” (3).

During the Mughal period it seems that health and medical facilities were good and people enjoyed decent health as reported by many foreign travellers [4].

1] Saran P. The provincial government of the Mughals. Allahabad, India: Kitabistan; 1941.
[2] Khan Mutamid, Nama Iqbal. quoted In: Edwardes SM, Garrett HLO, editors. Mughal Rule in India. Delhi: Chand; 1956. p. 279.
[3] Quoted in Chopra PN. Some aspects of society and culture during the Mughal age; 1955 152 [Agra, n. 10].
[4] John Fryer, A new account of East India and Persia, ed. by William Crooke (3 vols.; London, 1909–1915); Edward F. Oaten, European travellers in India (London, 1909); and other works in the Hakluyt series.

(Extracts from

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Feminism Vs Religion

Feminism Vs religion:

(Extract from Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou's article on feminism )

Women who identify as feminists are far less likely to be religious than the general female population.[1] In the general population, about 7 out of 10 women say they are affiliated with an organized religion like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. Among feminist women, however, only 1 out of 10 report any such affiliation.[2]

But does this indicate a trend of women leaving faith due to feminism? Other statistics support this contention. For example, between 1993 and 2013, the number of nonreligious women tripled in the US.[3] Nonreligious people in general increased in this time range, but what is particularly telling is that the growth of the nonreligious women demographic outpaced the overall increase. In 1993, 16 percent of atheists and agnostics were women, but within 20 years, that number nearly tripled to 43 percent.[4]Analysts contend that it is the spread of feminist and secular ideology through mass media and increasingly the internet and social media that is responsible for these jumps in non-religiosity.[5]


[1] Aune, Kristin. “Much Less Religious, A Little More Spiritual.” Feminist Review, vol. 97, no. 1, Mar. 2011, pp. 32–55., Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[2] Aune, Kristin. “Why Feminists Are Less Religious.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 Mar. 2011, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[3] Marcotte, Amanda. “America Is Losing Religion: Why More and More Women Are Embracing Non-Belief.” Alternet, 14 May 2015, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[4] “2015 State of Atheism in America.” Barna Group, 24 Mar. 2015, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[5] Aune, Kristin. “Why Feminists Are Less Religious.”

Monday, January 7, 2019

Impact of Increasing women in work-force on family system:

Impact of Increasing women in work-force on family system:

All else being equal, women entering the workforce en masse is a disaster for the family institution. This is in large part because of the preferences of women. Women don’t want to marry men who earn less than they do. A variety of peer-reviewed research establishes this point. For example, consider the 2017 paper “When Work Disappears: Manufacturing Decline and the Falling Marriage-Market Value of Men.” Researchers found that when men lose jobs, fertility and marriage rates plummet. Meanwhile births out of wedlock and the percentage of singe family homes blows up. They found the opposite to be true as well. When men are employed and are earning more than women, marriage and fertility rates go up and single family homes decrease. Other research  ( ) corroborates the conclusion that women’s preferences for husbands that out-earn them underlies this dynamic.

This has become an embarrassment for feminists. The numbers don’t lie. Female career advancement negatively impacts marriages which increases single motherhood, and single motherhood leads to higher crime rates, drug rates, unemployment rates, and other social ills. Even if feminists don’t like it, facts are facts. And given the facts, then through basic causal reasoning we can conclude that female career advancement is a bad thing for society.

 What could be more fulfilling than climbing the corporate ladder? This is the rhetorical question women are fed over and over again. The indoctrination runs so deep that even many of those women who make a commitment to raising their children full time nonetheless experience crippling self doubt. “What am I missing in the corporate world?”

This modern cultural emphasis on “career” is toxic for families but is absolutely deadly when the emphasis is on women to pursue corporate careers at the expense of getting married, having children, and raising those children.

Muslims are in the best position to understand all this since a man’s role as breadwinner is legislated within the Sharia. Of course, this does not foreclose the possibility of some women working in different capacities, but for Muslim civilization, these were exceptional instances that proved the rule.

-Extracts from Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou's article