Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Feminism Vs Religion

Feminism Vs religion:

(Extract from Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou's article on feminism )

Women who identify as feminists are far less likely to be religious than the general female population.[1] In the general population, about 7 out of 10 women say they are affiliated with an organized religion like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. Among feminist women, however, only 1 out of 10 report any such affiliation.[2]

But does this indicate a trend of women leaving faith due to feminism? Other statistics support this contention. For example, between 1993 and 2013, the number of nonreligious women tripled in the US.[3] Nonreligious people in general increased in this time range, but what is particularly telling is that the growth of the nonreligious women demographic outpaced the overall increase. In 1993, 16 percent of atheists and agnostics were women, but within 20 years, that number nearly tripled to 43 percent.[4]Analysts contend that it is the spread of feminist and secular ideology through mass media and increasingly the internet and social media that is responsible for these jumps in non-religiosity.[5]


[1] Aune, Kristin. “Much Less Religious, A Little More Spiritual.” Feminist Review, vol. 97, no. 1, Mar. 2011, pp. 32–55., Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[2] Aune, Kristin. “Why Feminists Are Less Religious.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 Mar. 2011, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[3] Marcotte, Amanda. “America Is Losing Religion: Why More and More Women Are Embracing Non-Belief.” Alternet, 14 May 2015, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[4] “2015 State of Atheism in America.” Barna Group, 24 Mar. 2015, Accessed 16 Aug. 2017.

[5] Aune, Kristin. “Why Feminists Are Less Religious.”

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