Saturday, August 29, 2020

True love of Ahle-baith RA: Muharram Message

True love of Ahle-baith RA:
Love of Ahle-baith is part of our imaan'. Ahle-baith include all the wives of the prophet ﷺ too. And all his children and his family. We love all of them. We love all the Sahaba and khulafa rashideen too. We love and respect martyrdom of every sahabi. And we don't restrict this love to a particular day or month. And we don't dramatise this love, making it a social event. We don't have to use weak and fabricated narrations to show our love to them. And we don't have to be in a perpetual mourning forever for our martyrs because we don't consider martyrdom as a tragedy. We consider martyrdom as an ultimate honour and success, just the way those honourable martyrs themselves considered it and looked forward to dying as a martyr for the sake of Allah. 

So, Love them and emulate them and Be in the limits of Shari'ah. Because the Ahle-baith and Sahaba sacrificed themselves for the supremacy and defence of Shari'ah. Don't make the purpose of their sacrifices ineffective today in the very name of their love!

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